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Anticancer Copper Phenanthrene Complexes
Combining stability with enhanced DNA recognition

Iminodiacetic Acid against Antibiotic Resistance
Metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors to combat a common resistance mechanism

Spread and Mutations of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria Analyzed
National-scale analysis of COVID-19 superspreading during the first wave of infections in the spring

A Third COVID-19 Vaccine Looks Very Promising
AstraZeneca publishes preliminary analysis data from Phase III study

Angewandte Chemie 48/2020: High Performance
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Cloth Face Masks that Disinfect Themselves in Sunlight
Functionalized cotton fabrics produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) under light exposure

DNA Nanogel for Cancer Drug Delivery
Release of chemotherapy agents triggered by cancer biomarkers

High-Yielding Synthesis of Antiviral Drug Candidate
Improved preparation of EIDD‐2801, currently in clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment

Pyrazole-Based Heterotricycles for Drug Discovery
Pyrazole trifluoroborates used as precursors in an automated library synthesis