This is expected to enable the supply of several hundred million doses

Bayer to Support CureVac in Development and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate CVnCoV

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Saliva-Based COVID-19 Tests Using Smartphones
Portable, ultrasensitive assay that only takes 15 minutes

Gd(III) Complexes for Cancer Imaging and Therapy
Bifunctional agent with improved properties for tumor imaging and photodynamic therapy

From Scorpion Venom to Fighting Brain Tumors
Simple biosynthesis of a recombinant hybrid protein with potent cytotoxicity against glioma cells

The Contribution of Chemica Chronica in the Time of the Pandemic
The membership magazine of the Association of Greek Chemists (EEX) published many articles on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2

Inhibitor in a Tunnel
New method for the development of choline acetyltransferase inhibitors

Angewandte Chemie 52/2020: Looking Out
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Citronamine A Isolated from Marine Sponge
Isoquinoline alkaloid with moderate activity against the parasite responsible for malaria.