ZAP (zinc-finger antiviral protein) interferes with ribosomal frameshifting

How a Protein Inhibits the Replication of SARS-CoV-2

Double Calixarenes Bind Neuromuscular Blockers
"Double chalices" bind to a broad spectrum of blockers with high selectivity

EU Authorized Novavax's Vaccine
Nuvaxovid™ COVID-19 Vaccine (recombinant, adjuvanted) is the first protein-based COVID-19 vaccine authorized for use in Europe

Most Accessed Articles: November 2021
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Wearable Nicotine Sensors
Real-time monitoring of nicotine exposure, e.g., from vaping

Psychoactive Substances Detected in Wastewater
Wastewater samples from ten countries analyzed to shed light on the drug market

Angewandte Chemie 51/2021: Design Strategies
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

When Corpses Meet Forensic Pathologists – Part 1
A look behind the scenes at two cases that illustrate the different approaches used in forensic toxicology

Nanoparticles Loaded with Antibiotics to Treat Tropical Disease
Polymersome particles could provide new antimicrobial strategies against melioidosis

Antibody Levels Correlate with Vaccine Efficacy
Data from phase 3 trial of the Moderna vaccine could help to develop measurements for immunity