Enzymes from the branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis pathway as targets for drug development

A New Target to Combat Bacterial Infections

Genetic Signature of a Toxin Allows Cyanobacterial Bloom Monitoring
Insights into the biosynthesis of guanitoxin enable environmental detection

Synthesis of δ-Halogenated Sulfonyl Amides
Halogenation reactions enabled by a nitrogen-centered radical precursor

Biocatalyzed Aldol Addition for Industrial Applications
Useful reaction for the synthesis of drug precursors

Antimicrobial Air Filters for Cars
Polyester filter media coated with CuO nanoparticles

Most Accessed Articles: April 2022
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Aza-Cryptophycin Analogues for Antibody–Drug Conjugates
Derivatives of macrocyclic depsipeptides with promising antitumor activities

Gmelin-Beilstein Memorial Medal 2022
Gisbert Schneider honored for pioneering work on artificial intelligence approaches in drug design

Climate Change Increases Risk of Virus Transmission Across Species
Model predicts that species will live together in new combinations, promoting virus circulation

Improved Silver-Based Coating for Biofilm Prevention
Long-term reduction of bacterial adhesion on implanted medical devices