Ivy nanoparticles may protect skin from UV radiation at least four times better than the metal-based sunblocks found on store shelves today
Ivy: New Sunblocker
Super Supramolecular Adducts
The avidin/biotin amplification route has been used to better visulize targets in MRI with a biotin-Gd-DOTA monoamide trimer
PROLIST: New General Manager
Jürgen George is the new General Manager of PROLIST® International e.V.
Optimized Minicircle DNA Production
Optimized production process of minicircle DNA used, e.g., in gene and cell therapy, DNA vaccination, or the production of pharmaceuticals
New Drug Delivery System
A new drug delivery system uses nanoparticles embedded in a liposome that can be triggered by non-invasive electromagnetic fields
Way to Detect Prediabetes
An easy-to-detect enzyme in the red blood cells could lead to a simple, routine test for detecting diabetes and prediabetes
A Complex Issue
The first stable η4-diseleno-p-benzoquinone complex shows promising cytotoxic activity comparable to that of cisplatin
Smaller and Sharper
New review on nanoscale metal–organic frameworks (NMOFs) as MRI contrast agents highlighted by EurJIC
2009 ISI Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2009 ISI Impact Factors
European Journalists’ Prize
European Journalists’ Prize goes to Martin Thür, Austria, and Dr. Hellmuth Nordwig, Germany, for reports on doping and drug counterfeiting, respectively