Speed Up MRI

Speed Up MRI

Scientists succeed in filming organs and joints in real time using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by reducing the recording time

Lighting the Way

Lighting the Way

Chelation enhanced fluorescence of amino acids helps illuminate kinase activity in cancer cells

Ensuring Bite-Free Picnics

Ensuring Bite-Free Picnics

Understanding the chemistry behind insect repellants could help chemists design alternatives to DEET and its ilk

Hair Today

Hair Today

Hair follicles track the body’s clock, giving information about the 24-hour circadian clock that regulates our sleeping habits

Entry Denied

Entry Denied

Identification of entry inhibitor could lead to HIV being stopped before it enters the cell

Agelastatin Activity

Agelastatin Activity

The biologically active agelastatins have succumbed to an efficient total synthesis on the gram scale opening up their potential as anticancer drugs

Waters Corporation

Waters Corporation

Mike Harrington, Vice President, European Operations, Waters Corporation, talked to ChemistryViews at the 'Frontiers of Chemistry' symposium