Quality of publishing of ChemPubSoc Europe, RSC, and ACS journals

Quality Of Society Journals

Soft Drink Supports Anti-cancer Drug
Experiments with an artificial stomach suggest that Sprite could improve the effectiveness of an oral anticancer drug

Green Tea Metabolism
Microbial metabolism and chemical stability of green tea polyphenols have been studied

Protein Delivery Through pH Change
Uniform microparticles from calcium carbonate templates allow controlled release of the protein drugs

In-line Improvement
Going with the flow: in-line analysis of a continuous flow reaction sequence is achieved

Virus Needs Sugar For Infection
The JC polyomavirus (JCV) must bind a specific sugar molecule located at the side of the brain cells it attacks

How Vaccines Change The Immune Response
Vaccines that change host immune responses to pathogens: The role of Th17 cells in leishmaniasis

A Spoonful of Salt Helps the Medicine Go Down
Crystal engineers have found a way to change the solvated form of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib to improve oral availability

Medical LEDs Get Under Your Skin
Ultra-thin sheets of LEDs implanted under the skin could be used in medical monitoring or in light-activated drug delivery systems

New EuCheMS President
The EuCheMS elected Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology, member of the Austrian chemical society, as their new president