Bayer establishes Bioethics Council comprising of renowned international experts

Ensuring Ethical Standards in Emerging Technologies

Silver-Based Terpyridine Complexes as Antitumor Agents
High cytotoxicity against different tumor cells observed

1,3-Diynes as Potent Antifungal Agents
Library of antifungal agents synthesized via Glaser–Hay and Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling reactions

Membrane Discs as Antitoxins
Nanodiscs made of erythrocyte membranes neutralize bacterial toxins

Priestley Medal 2023 for Cato Laurencin
Highest honor of the American Chemical Society (ACS) presented to researcher in the field of regenerative engineering

Making Immunizations More Effective
Adjuvants developed using computers boost vaccines

Angewandte Chemie 14/2023: Global Impact
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

“Glow-in-the-Dark” Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases
Luminescent nucleic acid sensor platform developed

Angewandte Chemie 13/2023: Rich Chemistries
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Lipid Nanoparticles for Insulin Delivery
Phenylboronic acid-based quaternary amine-type cationic lipids self-assemble into spherical lipid nanoparticles