Drinking coffee can be good for your health, as shown by a study of chlorogenic acid-enriched instant coffee
Coffee’s Antioxidant Properties
More Efficient Cancer Treatment
Combining chemo- and photothermal therapy: gold nanoshells combine targeted chemotherapy with NIR-activated heat treatment
Affect of PEG on Surface Peptides
Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacers linking peptides to surfaces for diagnostic purposes are assumed to be conformationally inert
Wake Up, Bacterial Spores!
Certain important pathogenic bacteria can produce spores, which are a dormant cell type that is able to resist and survive unfavorable conditions
Green Synthesis Of Nanoparticles
Method for making Au nanoparticles for imaging cancer is environmentally and biologically benign as it uses cinnamon
Heraeus Innovation Awards
The winners of the Heraeus Innovation Awards were Martin Trommer, Sebastian Vogt, Stefan Vorberg, and Alan Mundy
Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award 2010
Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award won by Nicolai Cramer, Switzerland, Andreas Walther, Finland, and Oliver Daumke, Germany
Spectroscopic Technique Identifies Cancer Cells
New imaging technique removes subjectivity from biopsy results and gives accurate mapping of tumor boundaries, fast
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Watching Blood Flow with OCT
Rate and extent of blood perfusion in tissue could be measured in real time with optical coherence tomography (OCT)