Easy universal DNA immobilization on surfaces with a synthetic mussel polymer

Mussel Adhesive for DNA Chips

Increasing Oxygen Delivery
Allosteric Effectors of Human Hemoglobin

When Does Stress Cause Illness?
The molecular composition of a glutamate-binding site in the brain determines vulnerability to stress; may help predict individual risk for stress-related diseases

Better Chemical Safety
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to work together for better chemical safety

Tackling Mad Cow Disease and its Relatives
Hope for previously untreatable, prion-caused diseases comes from the indole-3-glyoxylamide family

Cytotoxic Amphidinin B Synthesized
The first stereoselective total synthesis of Amphidinin B has been achieved on a gram-scale, allowing biological evaluation

Angewandte Author Profiles
Xiaoming Feng, Laurent Maron, Hsiang-Rong Tseng, and François P. Gabbaï, are interviewed this month

Incensed About Herbal High
Revealed: Biochemistry explaining potency and addictive nature of cannabis-like "herbal high" sold as incense in Europe

More Soluble, Less Toxic Cellular Probes
Biocompatibility and water solubility of cellular probes have been improved with iridium complexes with carbohydrates attached

Molecule Cocktail Reprograms Cells
A cocktail of small molecules is able to convert fully differentiated skin cells back into stem cells