Competitive elution selectively pulls proteins from tissue and avoids false-positives
Elution Teases Proteins from Tissue
Phosphatidylserine – Novel Receptor
Phosphatidylserine lipid photoaffinity cross-linking probes synthesized for identification of novel receptors (discovery biology, anti-inflammatory therapeutics, cellular delivery)
Changing Bacteria from Warm- to Cold-Loving
Only a limited number of functions required to change the predilection of microorganisms for radically different environments
Analgesia, Less of a Pain
Analgesics without side-effects of conventional painkillers could emerge the discovery of the ion channel responsible for pain
Lipid Microspheres Deliver Toad Venom
Lipid microspheres are promising vehicles for intravenous delivery of bufadienolides from toad venom
Next Generation of Dendritic Nanocarriers
Maltose-decorated nanocarriers for next generation dendritic nanocarriers with specific targeting of destined tissue for therapeutic treatments
Mussel Adhesive for DNA Chips
Easy universal DNA immobilization on surfaces with a synthetic mussel polymer
Increasing Oxygen Delivery
Allosteric Effectors of Human Hemoglobin
When Does Stress Cause Illness?
The molecular composition of a glutamate-binding site in the brain determines vulnerability to stress; may help predict individual risk for stress-related diseases
Better Chemical Safety
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to work together for better chemical safety