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Science Slams updated February 2025

New Head of Scripps Research Institute
Michael Marletta will take command of Scripps Research next January

Universal Flu Vaccine
A vaccine delivered by a simple nasal spray could provide universal protection against influenza according to Australian researchers

Protein for Hair Regrowth
Researchers investigating how stress affects gastrointestinal function may have stumbled upon a cure for baldness

BASF and Sigma-Aldrich Signed Distribution Agreement
Sigma-Aldrich takes over the global distribution for BASF pharma excipients in small pack sizes

Angewandte Chemie 8/2011 – Simple and Complex Structures
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Progestogens Cause Sterility in Frogs
New findings show that pharmaceuticals other than oestrogen can cause permanent damage to aquatic animals

Medicinal Chemistry and Ice Hockey
Report from the 10th Winter Conference on Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry, January 2011, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA

Chiral Separation of Ibuprofen
The simultaneous reaction and separation of the active form of ibuprofen has been achieved using a microfluidic device

Simple Synthesis of New Antibacterial Family
Simple analogues of platensimycin, inhibitors of bacterial enzymes, are made in just two-flask reactions from commercial aldehydes