A rapid approach to diverse alkaloid-like compounds which may lead to novel biological active small molecules

Rapid Approach to Diverse Alkaloid-Like Compounds

Quick Test for Stem Cells
New diagnostic test enables accurate and rapid assessment of the quality of pluripotent stem cell lines

Click Chemistry is Degrading Polymers
Azido polycarbonates with potential medical applications can be prepared and functionalized using the tools of "click chemistry"

From Heterotaxia to Cancer Treatment
Chemical that causes intestinal birth defects could lead to a way to prevent cancer metastasis

Viruses: Trapped and Deactivated
Artificial cells that lure and trap henipaviruses shown to prevent infection and offer a new way to study infections

Sensitive to Oxygen
New class of phosphorescent iridium(III) porphyrin complexes leads to tunable oxygen indicators

Minimally Invasive Surgeries: Laser Suturing
Laser welding creates a new and minimally invasive suturing intrument that simplifies and expedites surgeries

Glowing Spirals From Chemical Gradients
Chemical scaffolds guide fluorescing bacteria into precisely defined three-dimensional spiral patterns

Self-Destruct Button for Cancer
Discovery of how fledgling cancer cells self-destruct has the potential to impact future cancer therapies

Angewandte Author Profiles March
Raymond Ziessel, Didier Astruc, Steven P. Nolan, and Ben L. Feringa, are interviewed this month