Genetic change that helps tumors move to other parts of the body has been identified

Why Lung Cancer Spreads

Invite Japanese Colleagues
Support website to coordinate relief efforts by the scientific community in response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan

Sensing Ten Cells at a Time
A unique and sensitive RNA sensor system to detect as few as 10 cancer cells has been reported

New Test for Germs
Fluorescing DNAzymes detect metabolic products from bacteria

First Science Slam in Karlsruhe
Falko Brinkmann organized the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe; here he talks about his inspiration and the event

How To Make Proteins Happy
Experiences from a Science Slam — ChemistryViews talks with the winners of the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe, Germany

Angewandte Chemie 16/2011: More Than Hotpot
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Faster Way to Detect DNA
New colormetric system for the detection of makers for diseases can be performed with the naked eye at point-of-care

Oxygen Enhances Natural Cancer Treatment
A high-pressure oxygen environment significantly increases the effectiveness of natural compound that kills cancerous cells

Skin Allergy Treated with Nanoparticles
New approach to preventing common skin allergy to nickel uses calcium nanoparticles to trap nickel before it enters the body