Besides health and environmental impacts, processing into valuable products is a topic related to the red mud
Red Mud Disaster in Hungary
Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009
Corwin Hansch (1918 – 2011)
Corwin Hansch, Professor Emeritus, Pomona College, California, USA, passed away on May 8th
Health Risks of Ecstasy Substitute
Designer drug and ecstasy substitute, benzylpiperazine, shown to cause long term damage to health
Selenium Does Not Reduce Cancer Risk
A systematic study of healthcare literature reveals there is no truth behind the belief that selenium can prevent cancer
Getting to the Core of the Problem
Stereoselective construction of the tricyclic core of marine norditerpinoid brings total synthesis of anticancer compounds closer
Angewandte Author Profiles May
Kilian Muñiz, Anthony K. Cheetham, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, and Helmuth Möhwald, are interviewed this month
Angewandte Chemie 21/2011 – The Worm that Turned
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Portable System for Automated Analysis of DNA or RNA
Portable and robust chip-based detection system for viral contaminants developed
The Smaller the Better for Targeted Delivery
Nanoparticles smaller than those generally used for drug delivery show improved targeting and retention in tumors