New RIKEN Representative Office opened in Beijing, China, to contribute towards developing Asian solutions to global issues like energy, environment, food
RIKEN Beijing Representative Office
Mechanism of Glycosylation
Mechanism of an essential process in cells of higher organisms proposed from newly determined crystal structure of enzyme
Women in Chemistry — Interview with Veronique Gouverneur
Veronique Gouverneur, University of Oxford, UK, has worked in research groups on both sides of the Atlantic with renown scientists
Angewandte Chemie 28/2011: Every Step an Improvement
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Modular Modification of Gold Nanoparticles
Modular nanoparticle approach permits many different combinations of surface modification, hold promise for drug delivery
Bacterial or Viral?
New test tells the difference between bacterial and viral infections rapidly and with 89 % accuracy
Angewandte Author Profiles July
Hans-Dieter Arndt, Flemming Besenbacher, Vincent L. Pecoraro, and Emmanuel Lacôte, are interviewed this month
Cross-Examining Cancer Drug—Enzyme Interactions
Studies of an enzyme bound to a platinum(IV)-based anticancer drug reveal the molecular basis of its activation
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Comment from Attendee
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Prof. Xu Huaping
Angewandte Symposium in Beijing: Prof. Xu Huaping