German selection process for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) from the North Rhine-Westphalian point of view and its success

Everybody – Many – 60 – 15 – 4

The Good And The Bad News for Chocolate Fans
As with any vice — Bieber, brews, or bars of chocolate — those who partake to excess will have a trove of excuses

Unmasked by X-rays
Active substances such as signaling agents or toxins can be unmasked by X-ray radiation if the mask has an antenna

Mass Appeal of Serotonin Binding
Screening technique using a nonlabeled reporter ligand for the human serotonin transporter could improve depression drugs

Tape-Stripping Test
Tape-stripping technique can be used to monitor worker exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene

Angewandte Chemie 32/2011: Pearls On A String
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Disinfection Byproducts: Swimmer and Worker Exposure
Exposure of swimmers and workers to haloacetic acids (HAAs) in indoor and outdoor pools was evaluated for the first time

Batra to Lead Merck's Health Care
Merck announced that Udit Batra will succeed Peter Shotter as Head of the Consumer Health Care Division

Adapt and Analyze
Home glucose monitor adapted to target other analytes including cocaine, adenosine, interferon-gamma of tuberculosis and uranium

Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN
Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN, Japan’s flagship institution for comprehensive scientific research