US agencies collaborate to test 10,000 chemicals for potential toxicity

Largest US Compound Library

Earning Your Stripes with Cheminformatics
Cheminformatics approach to chemical genetics allows rapid screening of hundreds of compounds against biological targets

Angewandte Chemie 51/2011: Precision Control
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Launch of New Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal
The first articles from the new Wiley-VCH and ChemPubSoc Europe journal ChemPlusChem are now online

Cargo-Towing Fuel-Free Magnetic Nanomotors
First example of directed delivery of drug-loaded particles by magnetically driven nanomotors holds promise for biomedical applications

Most Accessed Articles: November 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for November 2011

Humboldt Research Award for A. Ciechanover
Nobel Laureate Aaron Ciechanover, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, wins Humboldt Research Award

New Coat for Golden Rods
New pretreatment process delivers biocompatible, stable gold nanorods for tumor treatment

Getting “The Knowledge” Changes Brain Structure
London taxi drivers demonstrate that learning in adult life drives structural brain changes in the hippocampus

Angewandte Author Profiles December
Robert Mulvey, Xinliang Feng, Rhett Kempe, and Zhang-Jie Shi are interviewed this month