Acquisition holds opportunity to potentially deliver novel therapy for chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis suffering from secondary hyperparathyroidism

Amgen Acquires KAI Pharmaceuticals

Marine Natural Product Stops Cancer Drug Resistance
Lamellarins, natural products isolated from marine mollusks and sponges, show potential in treating multidrug resistant cancer

Angewandte Chemie 16/2012: Activate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Specificity by Ring Size
Bicyclic peptides with optimized ring size inhibit enzyme that cleaves peptide bonds while sparing paralogous proteases

Chemical Synthetic Biology
Book covering a dynamic new area of research at the interface of science and engineering is reviewed by S. Brakmann, TU Dortmund

Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit

Breakthrough in Fighting Chikungunya Fever
A step forward in enhancing pandemic preparedness against the infectious disease Chikungunya fever

Nano Magnets Enter the Brain
Nano magnets conjugated to lactoferrin cross the blood-brain barrier opening up diagnostic and therapeutic applications

Hitting Malaria Where It Hurts
Miniaturized high-throughput screening assays could help identify a prophylactic strategy against liver-stage malaria

Identifying Specific Cancers Using Molecular Analysis
New method to identify cancer-causing genetic rearrangements quickly, accurately, and inexpensively