Re complex provides access to reverse-turn mimics for diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals

Rhenium-Centric Reverse Turn Mimics

A Diet Against Autism
Forms of autism associated with BCKDK mutations might benefit from a diet supplemented with branched chain aminoacids

Peptidodendrimer Drug Delivery
Attachment of a membrane-interacting protein allows a dendrimer to enter cells, making it a potentially useful drug-delivery vehicle

Angewandte Chemie 38/2012: Only the Finest
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

New Treatment for Stroke?
Ceria nanoparticles could lessen the damage from ischemic strokes

Predicting Solvation with Computational Chemistry – Interview with A. Klamt
Creator of the COSMO-RS method for quantifying molecular interactions in liquids, on how he started COSMOlogic and how it benefits industry

Saffron: A Spice for the Eyes
Saffron’s volatile oil safranal decreases retinal degeneration in animal models of retinitis pigmentosa

Less Junk DNA Than Thought
The Encode Project, successor of the Human Genome Project, reveals biological functions of about 80 % of the DNA

Angewandte Chemie 37/2012: Samarium and Beyond
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Winner of Chemistry Jokes Voting
The favorite joke of ChemistryViews readers is so simple, it's basic ...