Nanocapsules containing penicillin acylase can make their own antibiotic and deliver it to a specific target site

Nanoscopic Antibiotic Factory

First Nanoparticles Targeting Senescent Cells
Microporous silica nanoparticles capped with galacto-oligosaccharides selectively deliver cargo to senescent cells

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2012 has been awarded to R. Lefkowitz and B. Kobilka for their work on G protein-coupled receptors

Targeting Allosteric Regulations
The replication of hepatitis C virus can be blocked by compounds targeting an allosteric site in the viral protein NS3

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 has been awarded jointly to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka

Targeted Attack on Tumors
Selective tumor treatment: beta-galactosidase releases active agent from prodrugs

Tuberculosis: The Sputum gets Fluorescent
Novel cephalosporin-based fluorescent probes allow a rapid, specific and sensitive detection of tubercle bacilli

Social Media in Sciences – Interview with P. Smith, Agilent Technologies
Paul Smith, Agilent Technologies, UK, shares his experiences and benefits of using social media in sciences

Nobel Prize Trends
Which country produced the most Nobel Laureates? How old is a typical Laureate? And is it taking longer for discoveries to be recognized?

Nanomaterials and Chocolate – Interview with Luisa De Cola
Luisa De Cola, ISIS, France, talks about her research on nanomaterials, the increasing role of the internet in teaching, and her love of chocolate