The KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award 2012 has been awarded to In Su Lee and Dal-Hee Min, both Seoul National University, South Korea

KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award 2012

Heinrich Wieland Prize 2012 for C. Bertozzi
Carolyn R. Bertozzi, USA, awarded for her bioorthogonal method for changing cellular sugar codes and detecting diseased cells

Introducing the European Young Chemist Network (EYCN)
The EYCN supports chemists as they begin their careers, with activities aimed at developing soft skills and broadening career possibilities

Kill the Pain with Black Mamba Venom
Black mamba venom contains isopeptides from the three-finger toxin family that are endowed with powerful analgesic effects

A. Wheeler Awarded Heinrich Emanuel Merck Prize
Aaron Wheeler, Canada, awarded the Heinrich Emanuel Merck Prize for work on the microfluidic extraction and quantification of estrogen

Filming Bacterial Life in Multicolor
Multicolored probes target cell wall synthesis in the arms race with bacteria

NMR Experiments Assisting in Drug Design
A simple experiment combines modern NMR techniques with applications in drug design

Prince of Asturias Award for R. Lerner and G. Winter
Gregory Winter, UK,and Richard Lerner, USA, receive the Prince of Asturias Award for their work on antibodies and immunology

It Takes Two to a Healthy Colon
Lycopene and fish oil synergize to prevent colon cancer’s growth and progression

Novasep Invests 30 Million EUR
Largest chromatography plant for purification-based manufacturing in pharmaceutical industry