Biocompatible, nanoparticles-coated microelectrodes record cerebral cortex’s electrical activity with a high performance
Biocompatible Microelectrodes for Brain Monitoring
Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide
Are graphene oxide production methods interchangeable? A study into their cytotoxicity examines this dilemma
GM Crops
What are GM Crops? What is their benefit? How are they made? What risks are there?
From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 1
The quinine-containing bark of the Cinchona tree is probably the most valuable drug the Americas gave the world
Anti-tumoral Nanodiamonds
Novel nanodiamond-lipid hybrid nanoparticles selectively deliver chemotherapeutics to breast cancer cells
Sweet Route to Steviamine
A concise synthesis of steviamine and three of its analogues is reported before testing for glycosidase inhibition
2013 Wolf Prize in Chemistry
The 2013 Wolf Prize is awarded to Robert Langer, USA, for his work on controlled-release drug delivery systems
Anti-adhesive β-Cyclodextrin Complexes Reduce E. coli Infection
Heptavalent n-heptyl α-D-mannosides on β-cyclodextrin cores are shown to inhibit bacterial adhesion in vivo
Separation of Isomers by Milling
Separation of dicarboxylic acids through solid-state molecular recognition and mechanochemistry
Photochemical Control of Pain
US researchers discovered a small molecule which renders pain transmitting neurons sensitive to light