Benztropine, a drug already used to treat Parkinson's disease, may cure multiple sclerosis as it promotes myelin repair
A Cure for Multiple Sclerosis?
Learning a New Language: Moving Countries and Changing Subjects
Wilhelm T. S. Huck discusses what change means for scientists and how his research has evolved to the study of small water droplets
Teaching Old Drugs New Tricks
A library of novel 5-nitroimidazole antibiotics displayed broad-spectrum activity
Olive Oil for Better Health
Oleic acid, the main fatty acid of olive oil, has possible health promoting effects in men
What's in a Label?
Many commercial medicinal herbal products contain potentially harmful ingredients that are not listed in the labels
90th Birthday: Carl Djerassi
Inventor of oral contraceptive pill celebrates 90th birthday on October 29, 2013
Capturing Cancer Cells with Graphene Oxide Nanosheets
A new chip based on graphene oxide nanosheets detects circulating tumor cells with high specificity and sensitivity
Scientists (of the World) Behave!
Katharina Al-Shamery discusses ethics with regards to scientific publishing
A Transport to be Forbidden
Mycobacteria tuberculosis infections could be blocked by targeting the amino acid transporter AnsP1
A Fluorescent Guide to the Right Treatment
5-Amminolevulinic acid can be use to optimize the allocation of gliomas patients to the correct post-operative treatment