Ionic liquid gel-assisted electrodes enable measurements in electrophysiological recordings over long periods

Long-Term Measurements with Ionic Liquid Electrodes

More Ubiquitin, Less Cancer
A selective inhibitor of a deubiquitinating complex sensitizes cancer cells to the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin

Nanofiber Meshes: An Alternative to Dialysis?
Zeolite-polymer nanofiber meshes purifying blood from circulating toxins are a promising alternative to dialysis

Detecting Copper a Turn-On
Hexaazapentacene derivative is selective for sensing the presence of copper

Dual-Responsive Nanoparticles Against Inflammation
Nanoparticles responsive to reactive oxygen species and low pH deliver therapeutics directly to sites of inflammation

New Novo Nordisk Purification Pilot Plant
Novo Nordisk invests in new purification pilot plant in Bagsværd, Denmark

2013 Trends in Chemistry
An overview of the latest trend reports published annually in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, the GDCh magazine

Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize
Michael Reth receives one of the most prestigious international prizes awarded in Germany in the field of medicine

Why Do the Well-fed Die Young?
A new evolutionary hypothesis for the effect of dietary restriction on lifespan

Smart Nanodevices Against Gliomas
Novel nanodevices selectively target glioma cells and release chemotherapeutics in a controlled manner