Nanocellulose filters from filamentous green algae are tested for their virus retention properties

Cellulose from Algae Helps to Fight Virus Pandemics

Pay Attention to Silver Nanoparticles!
Ag nanoparticles trigger detrimental biochemical responses in human cells

Smells Like the Flu!
Cells infected with influenza emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the odors are specific to the virus strain

Sprouted Garlic? Not for the Bin!
Sprouted garlic shows a higher antioxidant activity and a better metabolic composition than fresh garlic

Enzyme-Controlled Drug Delivery
Drug release from mesoporous silica nanoparticles coated with ε-poly-L-lysine induced by proteases

Antidiabetic Drugs for Cancer Treatment
The antidiabetic drugs biguanides halt the growth of cancer cells with a defective oxidative phosphorylation

Guess the Mineral (1)
Guess the name of a mineral with the help of an image and some tips

Cool Science Music Videos
Positive and negative effects of the new trend of cool science music videos

Chemistry in Israel
Ilan Marek discusses the historic reasons for Israel's success in chemistry, as well as its present and future

Hierarchy of Research
Adam Heller discusses that not all research is equal and gives his personal suggestion on how to fund critical, independent thinking