is looking for an Assistant Editor (f/m)

Job: Assistant Editor

The Development of a Complete Mind: Integration of the Sciences, Humanities, and Arts
Jay T. Goodwin and David G. Lynn discuss the integration of the sciences, humanities, and arts to teach the concepts of evolution

Chrome Diopside
Answer to Guess the Mineral from April

Happy Birthday
Celebrate the fourth birthday of with us!

90th Birthday: Jan Thesing
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan Thesing celebrates his 90th birthday on May 15, 2014.

With the Help of a Chaperone
A compound that prevents pathogenetic processes in Alzheimer's disease has been found by US scientists

Useful Damage
Small molecules targeting the nucleotide pool sanitization enzyme (MTH1) suppress tumor growth by inducing DNA damage

Anti-inflammatory Drugs Show Antibacterial Properties
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the replication of bacterial DNA

Low Doses of Benzodiazepines Against Autism
Non-sedating doses of benzodiazepines ameliorate autistic symptoms in animal models

An "Apatite" to Make You Smile
Millimeter-scale 3D, highly ordered arrays of hydroxyapatite, a mineral found in the tooth enamel and bones, have been synthesized