Easy production of protein-based drugs and vaccines

Cell-Free Protein Synthesis

Merck and University of Cape Town Cooperate
Merck and the University of Cape Town to Develop a Drug Discovery Platform for Malaria

What Really Happened 2000 Days Ago
We are pleased to announce the answers to last week's quiz

Fluorescent pH-Responsive Biosensor
Hydrogel sensor using a thioflavin T cross-linker

Bengamides: Potential Antitumor Agents
Production of natural products with antiproliferative potency by bacteria

Alternatives to Animal Testing
ECHA to require registrants to consider alternatives when submitting proposals to test on animals

Why Curcumin is Brain Food
Curcumin protects against neurodegeneration by redirecting protein aggregation towards nontoxic forms

What Happened 2000 Days Ago?
Guess what happened and have the chance to win a book

Working for the JCF – The Young Chemists’ Forum of the German Chemical Society
Members of the national board about the work and aims of the JCF and their personal motivations

Guess the Chemist (47)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?