Prepare for the holidays with this calendar of chemistry highlights

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2015

Guess the Chemist (48)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Searching for Christmas Presents?
Editors recommend science-themed holiday gift ideas

Angewandte Chemie 49/2015: More Desirable
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Biosensors Converse with Nanotubes
Taking advantage of the modulation of the optical properties of carbon nanotubes for sensing a model protein

Make Your Own Cell Survival Kit
Synthetic glycopolymers in the membrane hold up programmed cell death

Silencing Cancer with Quantum Dots
Sugary coating helps to deliver siRNA to hypoxic tumors

Biomarkers at Your Fingertips
Personal glucose meters for the quantification of biomarkers in patient's blood

Predictive Modelling in Pharmaceutical Development
Reliable property predictions of drug candidates

A Closer Look at the Dengue Virus Cap
Crystal structure shows how an enzyme places a protective cap on the RNA of the dengue virus