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Summer Reading Sweepstakes

Making Diabetes Drugs Cleaner
Identification and characterization of seven previously unknown impurities in anti-diabetic drug

Calculating Drug–Protein Interaction Energies
Large-scale computational modeling highlights importance of peptide bonds in drug-protein interactions

Chemist Photo Quiz – Answer 1
Solution: Who is on the first picture

Solvents Can Inactivate Pt-Based Drugs
Oxaliplatin reacts with DMSO, but only in the presence of water

Peptide Delivery Mechanisms
Distortions to the lipid packing of HeLa cell membranes promote cell penetration by octaarginine

Glycans as Biomarkers for Cancer?
Bioorthogonal labeling of human prostate cancer tissue slice cultures to identify marker glycoproteins

Better Delivery Method for Glaucoma Drug
Fast-dissolving nanofiber mats as alternative to eye drops

Learn from Four Nobel Laureates!
Register now for the free online Angewandte Fest Symposium

Neville Compton to Become Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie
Neville Compton will succeed Peter Gölitz effective on October 1, 2017