Reactive oxygen species generated in vitro by hafnium- and photosensitizer-containing frameworks

X-Ray Induced Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer

Better Detection of Aflatoxins in Food
Carcinogens produced by mold extracted using magnetic nanostructures

Quadruple-Action Anticancer Prodrug
Prodrug releases four bioactive agents and is significantly more potent than cisplatin

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
Make your predictions for the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Angewandte Festsymposium: Ben L. Feringa
Teaser for Ben L. Feringa's lecture at the Angewandte Festsymposium on Sept 11, 2017

Angewandte Festsymposium: François Diederich
Teaser for François Diederich's lecture at the Angewandte Festsymposium on Sept 11, 2017

Inaugural Primo Levi Prize for Roald Hoffmann
Award honoring chemists who promote human rights

World University Rankings 2018
University of Oxford keeps top spot in Times Higher Education university ranking

Taking Responsibility for Society
T. Lindhorst, President of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), talks about the Society’s anniversary, responsibilities, future visions

Do You Fit the Angewandte Mold?
What makes a successful author of Angewandte Chemie?