Visible-light-controlled antibacterial activity of diaminopyrimidines with azobenzene photoswitches

Photoswitchable Antibiotics

Driving Chemistry and Europe
Mobility that favors exchanges between researchers is extremely important for the scientific community

Better Synthesis of Fluoride Radiotracers
Direct C–H fluorination reaction for positron emission tomography (PET) tracers

Most Accessed Articles: November 2017
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Personalized Pesticide Detection
Silicone wristbands as passive samplers

Malignant Mitochondria as a Target
A metallopeptide targets and disrupts mitochondrial function in breast cancer stem cells

Heating Up Tumors
New method for more effective photothermal tumor therapy with infrared light

Titanium Fiber for Bone Tissue Repair
Titanium fiber plate better able to facilitate bone tissue repair than conventional titanium plate when implanted in rat bone defects

Going Undercover to Fight Tuberculosis
Antibacterial β-lactone infiltrates mycomembrane biosynthesis and kills tuberculosis pathogen

Bayer Shares Safety Data
Bayer launched a website to enable access to scientific data needed for the evaluation of plant protection products