CRISPR–Cas9 produces unwanted DNA deletions and mutations

Genomic Damage

Antimicrobial Nanostructures Made from Short Peptides
Short‐peptide amphiphile nanostructures deliver antibacterial metal ions

Most Accessed Articles: June 2018
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Improved Antimalaria Drug
Conjugation of organometallic groups to sulfadoxine changes the drug's activity

Bioactivity of Artemisinin Derivatives
Artemisinin-derived dimers, trimers, and dendrimers studied for their antimalarial/antiviral activity

Direct Synthesis of Polycyclic Tropanes
Single step mechanism to form complex polycyclic tropanes with high yields and stereoselectivities

Angewandte Chemie 28/2018: The Value of Truth
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Improved Delivery of Anticancer Drugs in Liposomes
Hydrogen bonding plays a crucial role in liposomal formulations

Blocking Cell-to-Cell Signaling to Kill Bacteria
Structural transitions change the shape of a binding pocket of an enzyme; finding can be used to develop specific path blockers

The Chemistry of Pools
Why do we chlorinate pools and how does it work?