Iridium(III) complexes for selective glutathione sensing

Smart Photosensitizers for Effective Photodynamic Cancer Therapy

Editors' Choice: Spotlights from Chemistry Europe
Selection of just published articles from Chemistry Europe journals

The Content You Liked Best in 2018
Most viewed content published throughout the year

Behind the Science: Antibody‐Targeted Cancer Therapy
D. Peralta, ChemMedChem, talked to H.-S. Chong, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, about her work on antibody‐targeted cancer therapy

Restoring Activity in Cancer-Preventing Proteins
Multifunctional compounds for activation of an anti-cancer protein

Shellac Nanocarriers Boost Antimicrobial Action
Berberine-loaded cationic shellac nanoparticles with an improved antimicrobial effect

German Industry Outperformed a Good 2017
The year 2018 saw good developments for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany

Natural Product Could Bypass Antibiotic Resistance
Synthesis of Xanthoangelol B, which could inhibit a virulence factor of Staphylococcus aureus

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2018
Daily highlights from the periodic table of the elements

Skin Bacteria Can Become Deadly
Genetic changes can make harmless germ dangerous