Prof. Dr. Johann Mulzer, University of Vienna, Austria, will receive the 2010 Emil-Fischer-Medal next week
J. Mulzer: Emil-Fischer-Medal
Light Switch
Electron diffraction studies of photoswitchable molecules give a closer look at ring opening
ChemistryViews is the online portal for anyone interested in chemistry
Angewandte Chemie 38/2010 – A Bright Future
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Modular Substitution
A modular approach to tri- and tetrasubstituted electron-rich alkenes begins with simple and cheap pre-cursor
Repair Yourself
Self-assembling photovoltaic technology can keep repairing itself to avoid any loss in performance
Block By Block
Easily modified building blocks open way for stereoselective synthesis for drug design by using enzymes
Competition For Start-Ups
Competition for young start-ups offers a total amount of 76.000 EUR, valuable contacts, professional feedback, and industry know-how
Calls For EU's Framework Programme
2011 calls for the European Union's 7th Framework Programme: 6.4 billion EUR — Europe's biggest ever investment in research and innovation
Edible Gas Storage
Cubes made from sugar molecules represent a new form of porous metal - organic framework