Two new developments could bring artificial skin a step closer
Skin Deep
Chocolate – The Noblest Polymorphism II
Cocoa butter can crystallize into six forms, but only one has the noble surface sheen, the crisp hardness, and melts pleasantly in the mouth
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize
This year's GDCh-FG-Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Prize 2010 is shared by Dr. A. Dreyer and Dr. M. Matzke
Morphine Synthesis
Key steps in new route to morphine include Suzuki-Miyaura coupling, intramolecular 1,6-addition and ozonolysis
Move to the Red!
Design and synthesis of rigid fluorophores could lead to novel dyes with extended planarity and higher quantum yields
Cancer-Free Diet
Cancer inhibiting effects of 5-hydroxy PMFs make them promising cancer-preventive agents that can be added to food
Mechanism Rearranged
The uni- or bimolecular nature of the Newman-Kwart rearrangement mechanism depends on your microwave
Probable Structures
Calculating NMR spectra could help organic chemists identify stereoisomers, according to work by theoretical chemists
3rd EuCheMS Congress – Impressive & Lively Event
The 3rd EuCheMS Congress in Nuremberg was an impressive and lively event. ChemViews brings you the highlights
Selectivity Determination Of Racemic Catalyst Mixtures – Poster Presentation
Christian Ebner from the group of Andreas Pfaltz, University of Basel, Switzerland, determines the selectivity of racemic catalyst mixtures by ESI-MS screening