An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Angewandte Chemie 47/2010: Radically New
Graphene From Solid Carbon Sources
Large area, high-quality graphene with controllable thickness can be grown from different solid carbon sources
Job: Assistant Editor Positions
Chemistry – An Asian Journal/Chemistry – A European Journal/ChemCatChem/ChemSusChem offer Assistant Editor positions (f/m)
Holographic Polymer – New Era in 3D Cinema?
Photorefractive polymer used in first quasi-real-time, three dimensional holographic display
Angewandte Author Profiles
Milko E. van der Boom, Bernhard Kräutler, Neil Branda, and Thomas M. Klapötke, are interviewed this month
Head of the Class
The N-phosphinyl phosphoramides have been exploited as a new motif in organocatalysis
Nobel Reactions
Reaction from the catalysis community on this year's Nobel Prize
Two Birds, One Stone
Single drug that blocks NO production by inhibiting two different enzyme targets could reduce tumor growth
In Situ Passive Contamination Sampling
Low-density polyethylene membrane tested in situ for passive sampling of PAH contamination of water
Direct Amide Hydrogenation
Amides selectively and directly hydrogenated to alcohols and amines under mild, anhydrous conditions for the first time