Researchers have synthesized different colored polyesters simply by changing the ratio of the starting materials

An Array of Colorful Polymers

Crystallographic Confusion
Two bond or not two bond? That is a question of X-ray crystal structure interpretation, especially for cyclobutadiene

J. M. Thomas Delivers Third Gerhard Ertl Lecture
Sir John Meurig Thomas, University of Cambridge, UK, has delivered the third annual Gerhard Ertl Lecture in Berlin, Germany

Continuous Flow Reactor for Coupling Reactions
Copper flow reactor removes need for additional reagents for Cu-based coupling reactions

Novartis Early Career Award in Organic Chemistry 2010
Karl Gademann, University of Basel, Switzerland, and Jin-Quan Yu, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA, awarded

Oriented Salts for New Materials
Alternating stacks of planar cations and planar dipyrrole-containing anions provides concept for formation of new materials

Organic Electronics on Banknotes
Banknotes with organic thin-film transistors could make active anti-counterfeiting measures and electronic tracking possible

Angewandte Chemie 50/2010: Looking Back and Ahead
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Pure, Natural Synthesis
First enantioselective total syntheses of the natural product indole alkaloids of the condylocarpine type

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...