Efficient solid oxide cells could provide solution to the problem of electrical energy storage facing the renewable supply industry

Green Solid Oxide Cells

Better Chemical Safety
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to work together for better chemical safety

M. Bahadir on Sustainable Water Management
Müfit Bahadir speaks about sustainable global water management, student mobility, international cooperations and the Exceed Project

Angewandte Chemie 52/2010 – Happy Holidays!
An overview of this week's Angewandte Chemie

Aromatics at a Pinch
Some of the most important feedstock chemicals, aromatic hydrocarbons, made in in high yield with 'pincer'-ligated Ir catalysts

Tackling Mad Cow Disease and its Relatives
Hope for previously untreatable, prion-caused diseases comes from the indole-3-glyoxylamide family

Cytotoxic Amphidinin B Synthesized
The first stereoselective total synthesis of Amphidinin B has been achieved on a gram-scale, allowing biological evaluation

Fast Fabrication of Nanostructured Arrays
A simple, fast, and versatile wet-processing method for large-area arrays of ordered nanostructures has been developed

Angewandte Author Profiles
Xiaoming Feng, Laurent Maron, Hsiang-Rong Tseng, and François P. Gabbaï, are interviewed this month

Past President of IUPAC on the IYC 2011
For the first time in the 100-year history of the IUPAC, the worldwide chemistry community will be celebrating the achievements of chemistry