Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 4/2011: Women in Chemistry

Language Skills Important in Graduate Recruitment
Europe-wide survey among employers shows that for graduate recruitment soft skills are as valued as sector-specific and computer skills

Self Assembly of Nanoscale Ropes
Diblock copolymers that self assemble into rope-like helices developed with good control over length and internal structure

Women Chemists
What is the reason for the scarcity of top-flight women chemists in academia?

Cool Gold Hydrocarbon Activation
New catalytic approach to activating hydrocarbons that works at low temperatures developed by researchers in the UK and US

New Routes to IN Inhibition
HIV-1 integrase (IN) is an essential enzyme for HIV-1 replication: New routes to IN inhibition could overcome drug resistance

Job: EuCheMS General Secretary
EuCheMS invites candidates for the position of General Secretary in its Brussels office. Closing date 6 February

Wiley-CST Outstanding Publication Award
The Wiley-CST Award for Outstanding Publication was awarded to P. Rashatasakhon and T. Buajarern at PACCON 2011

Anion Binding Indicates Catalyst Activity
Anion binding constants of a series of diamine-functionalized organocatalysts provides useful tool to probe catalytic activity

Mapping Atoms of Mollusk Teeth
New method allows tracking of fluoride in teeth or osteoporosis drugs in bones at previously inaccessible length scales