European Women in Chemistry edited by Jan Apotheker and Livia Simon Sarkadi, reviewed by Francesco De Angelis, University of l’Aquila, Italy
European Women in Chemistry
Novel Anti-Influenza Drugs
Two-step strategy presents a new route for the design of structurally novel anti-influenza drugs
Mechanism of Dissociation
CO dissociation from ruthenium complexes plays a key role in the racemization of alcohols
Angewandte Chemie 7/2011: Oxidations, Reductions, and More
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
There's Life In The Old Dog Yet!
Drug discovery - where does the future lie? Small molecule drugs will play a major role according to H. Wild and D. Heimbach
Better Insights Into Reactions
Ultra-fast IR measurements allow to follow chemical reactions in solution in more detail than ever before
Polymer Annealing One Chain at a Time
Single-molecule spectroscopy used to directly study the effects of solvent vapor induced annealing of single conjugated polymers
German IYC Opening Ceremony (in German)
At the National IYC Opening Ceremony in Berlin, Germany, Angela Merkel awarded three teams from the school competition, Formula One
German IYC Opening Ceremony
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, opened the IYC Ceremony in Germany. Here are the highlights
Convergent Dendrimer Synthesis
First synthesizing the dendron, then attaching it to suitable cores provides a versatile toolbox for dendrimer assembly