When the fire alarm rings in the Wonderlab – who is the first to safety and who is the cause?

Wonderlab Comic — Fire Alarm

Snapshots of the ACS Meeting
Impressions from the 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition March 27–31, 2011 in Anaheim, California, USA

The Forgotten Greenhouse Gas
Ionic liquids can be used to cut greenhouse gas emissions in an example of green chemistry

Hollywood Chemistry
And the Winner for the Most Accurate Science in a Movie or TV series goes to …

New President of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chun-Li Bai was recently appointed president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Kevlar-like Plastic from Pineapples and Bananas
Nano-cellulose fibers from plants may lead to stronger, lighter, and more sustainable materials to replace automotive plastics

Highest Reported Efficiency for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
Efficient light-harvesting metal-free chromophore for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs)

Charles Lathrop Parson Award
Michael E. Strem, president of high purity chemicals maker Strem Chemicals, receives the ACS award for outstanding public service

Hydrogenases – Achievements and Expectations
Special issue of EurJIC looks at some of the recent advances and achievements in the field of hydrogenases research

DNA Robot
Nanoscale robotic arm possible with DNA-based device that can move and lock in eleven distinct positions