Ruthenium complexes selectively target and kill cancer cells over healthy cells
Death Metal!
Cleaner Fuel with MOFs
Cleaner diesel and gasoline could be produced with metal–organic frameworks that remove nitrogen and sulfur contaminants
Carbon Monoxide Powder
Way of generating CO from easy-to-handle powder could eliminate need for CO-detectors and high-pressure equipment
Invite Japanese Colleagues
Support website to coordinate relief efforts by the scientific community in response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan
New Approach to Amine Synthesis
First selective catalytic synthesis of primary amines splits secondary and tertiary amines by using ammonia
Oligopyrroles: Receptors and Chemosensors for Hazardous Materials
Sequestering, removal, detection of hazardous materials: oligopyrroles provide a versatile receptor platform
New Test for Germs
Fluorescing DNAzymes detect metabolic products from bacteria
First Science Slam in Karlsruhe
Falko Brinkmann organized the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe; here he talks about his inspiration and the event
How To Make Proteins Happy
Experiences from a Science Slam — ChemistryViews talks with the winners of the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe, Germany
Angewandte Chemie 16/2011: More Than Hotpot
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie