Rare and Neglected Diseases

Rare and Neglected Diseases

With diseases such as malaria being classed as rare and neglected, ChemMedChem takes a look at the latest research in this field

Large Rings Cyclized by Cu

Large Rings Cyclized by Cu

Synthesis of rare nitrogen-linked seven-, eight- and nine-membered biaryl ring systems uses simple and cheap Cu

Oligorotaxanes Made to Order

Oligorotaxanes Made to Order

How do noncovalent bonding interactions affect formation and stability of secondary structures in synthetic polymeric materials?

Printing MOF Crystals

Printing MOF Crystals

Single submicrometer metal-organic framework crystals can be "printed" at a desired location on a low-wettable surface

Silicon Buckybowl

Silicon Buckybowl

Chemists have substituted silicon into a partial fullerene molecule, a buckybowl, to synthesize trisilasumanene and its derivatives