An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Chemie 32/2011: Pearls On A String
Women in Chemistry and EurJOC
EurJOC's special issue on women chemists demonstrates that the possibility for women to excel in chemistry is only limited by perception
Fast Assignment
A rapid method for determining absolute configuration using kinetic resolution catalysts has been developed by US chemists
Sugars Can Aggregate Too
Defined, reversible aggregates of sugar chains have been observed for the first time and could enable on-site detection of diseases
Green Polymers
Supercritical carbon dioxide can be used as the "solvent" for the polymerization of lactide with an organo-catalyst
Chromogenic Ni2+ Receptor
First example of a coumarin-based chromogenic receptor exhibiting a reconfigurable logic gate pattern
Helical Organosilica Synthesized
Chiral helical organosilica materials with ultrasmall mesopores have been prepared in less than one hour
Straightforward Synthesis of Nitriles
Straightforward iron-catalyzed synthesis of nitriles by dehydration of primary amides
Novel Iridium Photosensitizer Split Water
Synthesis of novel Ir photosensitizer improves hydrogen-producing photoreactions
It's Crystal Clear
Rh NHC complexes undergo back-to-back single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations by selective nonreversible ligand exchange