Diagonal approach for the reductive functionalization of carbon dioxide combines two different approaches for the use of carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide Recycling?

Improved Phase Transfer Catalysis in Microreactors
Interdigital mixer-redispersion capillary assembly improves phase transfer catalysis: less chemicals, less energy intensive, safer

Blocking the AChEs and pains of Alzheimer’s Disease
Synthesis of the best human acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors reported – important for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

First Catalytic Hydrogenation of Urea Derivatives
First hydrogenation of urea derivatives to amines and methanol is reported and opens the way for indirect CO2 hydrogenation

Angewandte Chemie 45/2011: A Variety of Shapes
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Interview with ChemistryViews Author Klaus Roth
Interview with ChemistryViews Author Klaus Roth, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Wonderlab Comic — Power Outage
Wonderlab is undergoing some scheduled maintenance and Sophie is sure she turned everything off

Chemistry of the Christmas Candle — Part 1
When we light a candle, the chemistry we are pursuing is not only especially beautiful, but also especially complex

First Functional MOFs
Bifunctional metal–organic framework (MOF) regioisomers have been produced and reveal previously unrecognized importance

Breathing Benzene
Derivative current-density maps reveal how so-called breathing modes in the benzene ring cause aromaticity and antiaromaticity to ebb and flow