We pursue the fate of a single wax molecule in a burning candle

Chemistry of the Christmas Candle — Part 2

Ouroboros Breathes Benzene
As benzene breathes, its aromaticity ebbs and flows according to new derivative current-density maps

Wonderlab Comic — Conference
Wonderlab is hosting a conference and the attitude of each lab member turns out to be quite revealing

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Still searching for a Christmas present? Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...

Advance Towards New Biobased Performance Materials
Efficient, stereospecific synthesis of high purity isohexide diamines – high-performance biobased polymers such as polyamides

This Is Not The End, But The Beginning: The IYC Closing Ceremony
The Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) was held in Brussels, Belgium, on December 1st

Winners of the ChemistryViews IYC Video Competition
We are pleased to announce the winners of our IYC2011 video competition

Haja Luz! – Interview with Jorge Calado
J. Calado, University of Lisbon, talks about chemistry, history and art, and what really drove Mendeleev to create the Periodic Table

Why Are Ants Rarely Seen on the Webs of Spiders?
A novel property of spider silk: chemical defence against ants

60 Years Institut Dr. Flad
International renowned school for Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology and the Environment, celebrated with outstanding scientists