Simple, inexpensive, continuous-flow synthesis of the to date most effective anti-malaria drug artemisinin

Anti-Malaria Drug Synthesised

3D Covalent Organic Frameworks
Three dimensonal networks of covalent organic frameworks were functionalized to allow applications in e.g. catalysis

Pesto — Mediterranean Biochemistry Part 2
In this last part we take a look at the synthesis of the perfect pesto

Angewandte Chemie 3/2012: The Art of Arrows
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Modifying MOFs in the Vapor Phase
Introducing chelating groups into metal-organic frameworks by vapor-phase post-synthetic modification boosts their catalytic potential

Opening Up The World Of Chemistry
The co-chairmen of ChemistryOpen's Editorial Advisory Board discuss their expectations of this new ChemPubSoc Europe journal

Most Accessed Articles: December 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2011

Electrolyte Layers Stabilize Mushroom Enzyme
Mushroom tyrosinase is stabilized by polyelectrolyte layers, enhancing its selectivity towards bioactive catechols

Wiley-CST Outstanding Publication Award 2011
The Wiley–Chemical Society of Thailand (CST) award for Outstanding Publication given to V. Promarak, Ubon Ratchatani University

Special Issue: Wei-Yuan Huang’s 90th Birthday
W.-Y. Huang’s 90th birthday is celebrated in a special issue of the Chinese Journal of Chemistry on organofluorine chemistry