ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit
Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
Angewandte Chemie 15/2012: Enlightenment
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie
Ring Strain Restrains
In a nanohoop molecule, macrocyclic ring strain slows rotation of aryl units, leading to interconverting atropisomers
Hitting Malaria Where It Hurts
Miniaturized high-throughput screening assays could help identify a prophylactic strategy against liver-stage malaria
Wonderlab Comic — I Major in Chemistry
Have you ever found yourself in one of these familiar situations when you tell people you are a chemist?
Ketones Get Heavy
A way to replace the carbon atom in the ketonic C=O unit with the heavier element, germanium, found
Guess the Chemist (4)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
The Crisis of the Chemist — Chemists and Their Handicaps
Interview with Erwin Reicher, first ever Professor of Applied Popularity Research, University of Kleinzack, on how to make chemistry popular
Boron Brings More Boom
Boron nanoparticles dispersed in hypergolic ionic liquids improve ignition properties without compromising safety
Science Fiction Becoming Science Fact
Making drugs in vivo is still science fiction, but the pre-cursor imaging tools are becoming science fact according to researcher at the at the 243rd ACS National Meeting