Herbert C. Brown won the Nobel Prize for his work on organoboranes and hydroboration; also the answer to Guess the Chemist (5)
100th Birthday of Herbert C. Brown
Angewandte Chemie 21/2012: One Step Ahead
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Metal-Organic Framework for Rotaxanes
Metal-organic framework based on a [2]rotaxane stops random dispersion and incoherent motion seen with rotaxanes in solution
Single Phase Ionic Liquid/Water Mixtures
Ionic liquids can function as solvents even if water is present after all. The discovery opens up a new range of applications
Blue Light District: Sulfide Photooxidation
A mild photooxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides is achieved with a riboflavin derivative and LED visible light irradiation
New Route to Aminohydantoins
The hydantoin scaffold found in a range of drugs can be formed simply from ureas and thioureas tethered to amides
Summary of the progress in the synthesis and study of the fascinating natural products chlorosulfolipids
Overcoming the Solubility Problem of Lignin
Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohols and lignin is achieved by tuning solubility, cocatalyst, and recyclable catalyst
80th Birthday: Ekkehard Winterfeldt
Ekkehard Winterfeldt, renowned synthetic chemist and former GDCh President, celebrates his 80th birthday
Angewandte Chemie 20/2012: A Trip through the World of Chemistry
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie