Tthe concept of viral research areas and "Black Swan events", using the example of organic synthesis

How Breakthroughs Occur in Research

Grinding Out Selectivity
Chiral carbon centers can be formed mechanochemically by using just a pestle and mortar

Angewandte Chemie 37/2012: Samarium and Beyond
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Winner of Chemistry Jokes Voting
The favorite joke of ChemistryViews readers is so simple, it's basic ...

Arylhexahydroisoquinolines Made Simple
A rhodium-catalyzed rearrangement reaction allows simple and efficient synthesis of arylhexahydroisoquinolines

Bend Me, Shape Me …
Calixarene-based supramolecular polymers reversibly change shape in response to different wavelengths of light

Tips for the Lab
Simple instructions on how to successfully pack columns, work under inert atmosphere, or grow crystals

4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress in Prague
The congress was a successful and lively event with chemistry for a sustainable world as the unifying theme

Sason Shaik on the Motivation Behind his Research
Professor Sason Shaik, Israel, talks about the motivation behind his research and how that has led him into diverse areas

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 1
Patience, luck, and no small amount of skill are required to grow the perfect crystal for X-ray diffraction. Maximize your chances of getting that elusive crystal