Monodisperse conjugated oligomers self-assemble into folded helical structures that form intermolecular aggregates in water

Understanding Conjugated Oligomer Folding

First Total Synthesis of Erythropoietin Glycoprotein
First total synthesis of wild-type erythropoietin glycoprotein, hormone stimulating red blood cell production, has been accomplished

Horst Prinzbach (1931 – 2012)
Horst Prinzbach, University of Freiburg, Germany, creator of the world's smallest helium balloon, has passed away

Emil Fischer Medal for H. Waldmann
Professor Herbert Waldmann, Germany, is the recipient of the 2012 Emil Fischer Medal, awarded for work in organic chemistry

Do We Smell Molecular Vibrations?
Humans and animals can distinguish smells by the vibrations of the odorant molecules

Renewable Sources for Disposable Diapers?
The first catalytic synthesis of an acrylate from CO2 and an alkene could lead to greener diapers

Catalytic Friedel–Crafts for Quaternary Carbonyl Compounds
Perchlorates catalyze arylation of teriatry α-hydroxyesters and α-hydroxyketones

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Make your predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry here

Polymer Science Awards Bestowed
Hideyuki Otsuka and Kazushi Kinbara, both Japan, have been awarded the Society of Polymer Science Japan Wiley Award

Joji Sakurai: First Chemistry Professor at Tokyo University
Joji Sakurai was the first Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Tokyo University and is the answer to Guess the Chemist (9)